Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Effective and affordable Internet Marketing Strategy. Suitable for both small scale business also.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

It is an affordable internet marketing technique to increase ROI.

SEO/SMO Services

Immense Business and Revenue than any other Marketing Tool

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Formulates Expertise Strategies for your Products/Services

Social Media Marketing(SMM)/Social Media Optimization(SMO)

Offers Wider Reachability,Publicity and Branding

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Social Bookmarking

Advantages Of Social Bookmarking:

  1. Social Bookmarking websites drive qualified traffic and would also increase your link popularity, because search engines “index” the pages within these sites, and will see the links to your website.
  2. Social Bookmarking helps in quick indexing by the search engines.
  3. The best way to drive instant traffic to your website. This is the only method which helps to boost the traffic of the website, making it easier to spread your online business’ Web content.

Sites I would recommend:

  1. Delicious
  2. Digg
  3. StumbleUpon
  4. Yahoo Buzz
  5. Technorati
  6. Kaboodle
  7. Mixx
  8. Propeller
  9. Reddit
  10. Newsvine

Instant SEO Analysis Tips

Basic SEO Factors for Instant Analysis:

  • Domain Extension
  • Page Loading Time
  • Page Rank
  • Alexa Rank
  • Google, Bing & Yahoo Indexed Pages and Back Links
  • Domain Age
  • Canonical Redirection
  • Title & Meta Tags
  • Header Tags
  • Image Tags
  • Xml sitemap
  • Html sitemap
  • Robots.txt
  • Google analytics account
  • Google webmaster tools account

Friday, 20 May 2011

What is The Image Optimization in SEO?

Image optimization is on-page part of SEO. As probably every SEO specialist knows that proper image optimization can improve Google position. Image optimization is one of the basic guidelines in web design. By using image slicing and reduction, you can make your image size smaller, so that images load easily on the browser without taking much time. A right use of width and height technique for your images will result in faster page loading.
The 3 most important image optimization factors are Image name / File name, Title attribute, and Alt attribute.
Image Name:
There is no software in this world, who can specify an image. If you put the image of cat on your web page, a search engine is not able to determine that this image is about cat or dog. Search engine checks the relevancy of a page on words. So, the first important point is that you should name your image with words that describe it properly. For example, “SEO Company India.jpg”
Image alt attribute is another important factor in SEO but remember that you should not over use it. Some people try to put many small images, and they put keywords in alt attributes. It is a bad practice. Google may penalize your site for it. So use it in the situation where it is needed. If you see previous example “SEO Company India.jpg”, a good alt attribute for it may be “Internet Marketing Company” or “Seo Services India”. Alt attribute is use to explain what is on the image.

Alt attribute:

Image alt attribute is another important factor in SEO but remember that you should not over use it. Some people try to put many small images, and they put keywords in alt attributes. It is a bad practice. Google may penalize your site for it. So use it in the situation where it is needed. If you see previous example “SEO Company India.jpg”, a good alt attribute for it may be “Internet Marketing Company” or “Seo Services India”. Alt attribute is use to explain what is on the image.

Title Attribute:

You can use title attribute to put some descriptive text. For an example, it should be look something like: “Seo Services India gives quality service at cheap price”. Title attribute in SEO is not so much important as discussed earlier two attributes.

Image size:
To format your page according to your web page, you should use width and height into your HTML code. It may increase your page loading time a little bit because the browser know in advance, where is to put image in the page. Firstly, it will load all the text, and then it will load the image. If you do not specify an image with height and width attribute, the browser, first, loads your image, after that, it will load other parts of page.

Friday, 6 May 2011

Top 10 SEO Mistakes

1Targetting the wrong keywords

This is a mistake many people make and what is worse – even experienced SEO experts make it. People choose keywords that in their mind are descriptive of their website but the average users just may not search them. For instance, if you have a relationship site, you might discover that “relationship guide” does not work for you, even though it has the “relationship” keyword, while “dating advice” works like a charm. Choosing the right keywords can make or break your SEO campaign. Even if you are very resourceful, you can't think on your own of all the great keywords but a good keyword suggestion tool,  will help you find keywords that are good for your site. 

2Ignoring the Title tag

Leaving the <title> tag empty is also very common. This is one of the most important places to have a keyword, because not only does it help you in optimization but the text in your <title> tag shows in the search results as your page title.

3 A Flash website without a html alternative

Flash might be attractive but not to search engines and users. If you really insist that your site is Flash-based and you want search engines to love it, provide an html version. Search engines don't like Flash sites for a reason – a spider can't read Flash content and therefore can't index it. 

4 JavaScript Menus

Using JavaScript for navigation is not bad as long as you understand that search engines do not read JavaScript and build your web pages accordingly. So if you have JavaScript menus you can't do without, you should consider build a sitemap (or putting the links in a noscript tag) so that all your links will be crawlable. 

5 Lack of consistency and maintenance

Our friend Rob often encounters clients, who believe that once you optimize a site, it is done foreve. If you want to be successful, you need to permanently optimize your site, keep an eye on the competition and – changes in the ranking algorithms of search engines. 

6 Concentrating too much on meta tags

A lot of people seem to think SEO is about getting your meta keywords and description correct! In fact, meta tags are becoming (if not already) a thing of the past. You can create your meta keywords and descriptions but don't except to rank well only because of this. 

7 Using only Images for Headings

Many people think that an image looks better than text for headings and menus. Yes, an image can make your site look more distinctive but in terms of SEO images for headings and menus are a big mistake because h2, h2, etc. tags and menu links are important SEO items. If you are afraid that your h1 h2, etc. tags look horrible, try modifying them in a stylesheet

8 Ignoring URLs

Many people underestimate how important a good URL is. Dynamic page names are still very frequent and no keywords in the URL is more a rule than an exception. Yes, it is possible to rank high even without keywords in the URL but all being equal, if you have keywords in the URL (the domain itself, or file names, which are part of the URL), this gives you additional advantage over your competitors. Keywords in URLs are more important for MSN and Yahoo! but even with Google their relative weight is high, so there is no excuse for having keywordless URLs. 

9 Backlink spamming

It is a common delusion that it more backlinks are ALWAYS better and because of this web masters resort to link farms, forum/newgroup spam etc., which ultimately could lead to getting their site banned. In fact, what you need are quality backlinks.

10 Lack of keywords in the content

Once you focus on your keywords, modify your content and put the keywords wherever it makes sense. It is even better to make them bold or highlight them. 

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

How To Use HTML Meta Tags

What are meta tags? They are information inserted into the "head" area of your web pages. Other than the title tag (explained below), information in the head area of your web pages is not seen by those viewing your pages in browsers. Instead, meta information in this area is used to communicate information that a human visitor may not be concerned with. Meta tags, for example, can tell a browser what "character set" to use or whether a web page has self-rated itself in terms of adult content.
Let's see two common types of meta tags, then we'll discuss exactly how they are used in more depth:

<title>Not a Meta Tag, but required anyway </title>
<meta name="description" content="Awesome Description Here">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8">

In the example above, you can see the beginning of the page's "head" area as noted by the <HEAD> tag -- it ends at the portion shown as </HEAD>.
Meta tags go in between the "opening" and "closing" HEAD tags. Shown in the example is a TITLE tag, then a META DESCRIPTION tag, then a META KEYWORDS tag. Let's talk about what these do.

The Title Tag

The HTML title tag isn't really a meta tag, but it's worth discussing in relation to them. Whatever text you place in the title tag (between the <TITLE> and </TITLE> portions as shown in the example) will appear in the reverse bar of someone's browser when they view the web page. For instance, within the title tag of this page that you are reading is this text:

How To Use HTML Meta Tags

If you look at the reverse bar in your browser, then you should see that text being used, similar to this. Some browsers also supplement whatever you put in the title tag by adding their own name, as you can see Microsoft's Internet Explorer doing .
The title tag is also used as the words to describe your page when someone adds it to their "Favorites" or "Bookmarks" lists.

The Meta Description Tag

The meta description tag allows you to influence the description of your page in the crawlers that support the tag. Look back at the example of a meta tag. See the first meta tag shown, the one that says "name=description"? That's the meta description tag. The text you want to be shown as your description goes between the quotation marks after the "content=" portion of the tag (generally, 200 to 250 characters may be indexed, though only a smaller portion of this amount may be displayed).

Will this happen? Not with every search engine. In review, it is worthwhile to use the meta description tag for your pages, because it gives you some degree of control with various crawlers. An easy way to do this often is to take the first sentence or two of body copy from your web page and use that for the meta description content.

The Meta Keywords Tag

The meta keywords tag allows you to provide additional text for crawler-based search engines to index along with your body copy. How does this help you? Well, for most major crawlers, it doesn't. That's because most crawlers now ignore the tag. The meta keywords tag is sometimes useful as a way to reinforce the terms you think a page is important for ON THE FEW CRAWLERS THAT SUPPORT IT. For instance, if you had a page about stamp collecting -- AND you say the words stamp collecting at various places in your body copy -- then mentioning the words "stamp collecting" in the meta keywords tag MIGHT help boost your page a bit higher for those words.

Remember, if you don't use the words "stamp collecting" on the page at all, then just adding them to the meta keywords tag is extremely unlikely to help the page do well for the term. The text in the meta keywords tag, FOR THE FEW CRAWLERS THAT SUPPORT IT, works in conjunction with the text in your body copy.

The meta keyword tag is also sometimes useful as a way to help your page come up for synonyms or unusual words that don't appear on the page itself. For instance, let's say you had a page all about the "Penny Black" stamp. You never actually say the word "collecting" on this page. By having the word in your meta keywords tag, then you may help increase the odds of coming up if someone searched for "penny black stamp collecting." Of course you would greater increase the odds if you just used the word "collecting" in the body copy of the page itself.

Here's another example. Let's say you have a page about horseback riding, and you've written your page using "horseback" as a single word. You realize that some people may instead search for "horse back riding," with "horse back" in their searches being two separate words. If you listed these words separately in your meta keywords tag, THEN MAYBE FOR THE FEW CRAWLERS THAT SUPPORT IT, your page might rank better for "horse back" riding. Sadly, the best way to ensure this would be to write your pages using both "horseback riding" and "horse back riding" in the text -- or perhaps on some of your pages, use the single word version and on others, the two word version.
I'm using all these capital letters on purpose. Far too many people new to search engine optimization obsess with the meta keywords tag. FEW crawlers support it. For those that do, it MIGHT! MAYBE! PERHAPS! POSSIBLY! BUT WITH NO GUARANTEE! help improve the ranking of your page. It also may very well do nothing for your page at all. In fact, repeat a particular word too often in a meta keywords tag and you could actually harm your page's chances of ranking well. Because of this, I strongly suggest that those new to search engine optimization not even worry about the tag at all.
Even those who are experienced in search engine optimization may decide it is no longer worth using the tags. Search Engine Watch doesn't. Any meta keywords tags you find in the site were written in the past, when the keywords tag was more important. There's no harm in leaving up existing tags you may have written, but going forward, writing new tags probably isn't worth the trouble.

Meta Robots Tag

One other meta tag worth mentioning is the robots tag. This lets you specify that a particular page should NOT be indexed by a search engine. To keep spiders out, simply add this text between your head tags on each page you don't want indexed. The format is shown below

This means: "Do not Index this page. Do not follow the links on the page." Your page will drop OUT of the search index AND your links to other pages will not be followed. This will break the link path on your site from this page to other pages.
You do NOT need to use variations of the meta robots tag to help your pages get indexed. They are unnecessary. By default, a crawler will try to index all your web pages and will try to follow links from one page to another.

Most major search engines support the meta robots tag. However, the robots.txt convention of blocking indexing is more efficient, as you don't need to add tags to each and every page. If you use do a robots.txt file to block indexing, there is no need to also use meta robots tags.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

10 ways to get more with Local Search Engine Optimization

Local Presence is must for Online Business or Offline Business maters a lot now days. Local search marketing for a business can help in many ways like increasing the online visibility where your geographic target market and search engine gives priority to local business in ranking.
Follow some quick tips for enhancing your business with the help of local search engine optimization:-
  1. Use Country Specific CccTLDs Domains -
  2. Its worth to have a ccTLD domain name like is for if your business’s targeted location is uk, for India targeted Business, for Australia targeted business etc.  if your business is focuses on local audience. By having a local domain extension you can let Search Engines know your exact targeted business location.
  3. List your business in major search engine –
  4. Claim your local business listing in major search engines with Google Local, Yahoo! Local and Bing Local
  5. Get listed in local directories & data providers
  6. Submit your business in local directories & data services like InfoUSA,,, Acxiom and Localeze because these local directories has their own database / technology from the foundation of the search engines For local indexing at different level.
  7. Choose right category for your business listing –
  8. The reason behind this step is that if your business listed in right category which helps for enhancing your business ability to show up for your targeted audience. Some time happens that if your business is listed in either wrong category or entered wrong keyword or incorrect mapping details will harm your business’s listing and reputation.
  9. Formulate your business information is unswerving –
  10. Keeping business information which matches across web that results into increase confidence of Google algorithm for providing accurate search result. Make sure that you put correct phone number and address information everywhere when your business is listed.
  11. Obtain your contact information in Microformat or add a QR code on your website –
  12. Microformat: - A Microformat is a web-based approach to semantic markup that seeks to re-use existing XHTML and HTML tags to convey metadata and other attributes. This will help to improve local search marketing and optimization. QR Code - QR Codes are now used in a much broader context, including both commercial tracking applications and convenience-oriented applications aimed at mobile phone users (known as mobile tagging)
  13. Build KML file and upload it to Google Webmaster Central.
  14. We all know about XML Site Maps. But I’m going to elaborate on creating KML Files. KML stats for Keyhole Markup Language. It’s basically location map or geo sitemap having specialized file format with latitude and longitude of physical business locations listed on website and gives them one more confidence boost in the location of a particular business. It will help you to boost business listing in the particular location.
  15. Use geographic keywords & Brand Name in your title tags.
  16. This is more of a general suggestion: make sure that you include your city and state in the title tag of your contact or location page, and if you’re in product or services oriented sales, use words like “City Name Product” or “Products in City Name” on assorted other title tags on your website.
  17. Make sure you have Analytics installed on your website.
  18. Web Analytics tool can give you great insight into which keywords are bringing traffic to your website, and what pages are engaging your users and leading to new business.
  19. Play with Competitive Analysis -
  20. Take a look at both the Organic and the Local search results for some of your target phrases. Check on which phrases competitors are showing? For more advance competitive research use tools like Linkscape or Yahoo Site Explorer to see if there are particular websites linking to competitor and not you.

Friday, 11 March 2011

How to Submit Your Articles or Websites to the Bing Search Engine

The Bing search engine service is a very popular search engine and a very good search engine to submit your articles/websites/blogs to. The more popular the search engine service is, the more people that will use it. The more people that will use it will increase the chances of getting more visitors to your articles/websites/blogs . This article will give you the step by step instructions for submitting your articles or websites or blogs to the Bing search engine service.


The first step is to go to the first page of your article library and open up your most recently published article.

Next, go to the Bing search engine service at: or you can visit the link that I provided in the resources below this article to the Bing website submission tool.

Next, put the proper visual characters in the provided character box.

Next, Use your mouse and highlight and copy your complete article URL and put it in the provided box on the Bing search engine submission page.

Next, click on the "submit URL" button and the Bing search engine submission tool will submit your article to be indexed.

Lastly, click on the "submit another URL" button and you will be taken back to the main Bing search engine submission page. Keep submitting your article URLs until you have submitted all of your articles to the Bing search engine service.

Submit your articles or website to the Bing search engine service for free