Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Effective and affordable Internet Marketing Strategy. Suitable for both small scale business also.

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

It is an affordable internet marketing technique to increase ROI.

SEO/SMO Services

Immense Business and Revenue than any other Marketing Tool

Search Engine Optimization(SEO)

Formulates Expertise Strategies for your Products/Services

Social Media Marketing(SMM)/Social Media Optimization(SMO)

Offers Wider Reachability,Publicity and Branding

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

What is SEO and Where does SEO fits in company structure?

Where does SEO fits in company structure
SEO basically gets customers to the business website. So in general you can group SEO under marketing services.

Most people use search engines to search for a specific produt or services. SEO service providers can help you to get in top listings.SEO has some advantages over marketing techniques.

Search engine software
Search engine software is the third part of a search engine. This is the program that sifts through the millions of pages recorded in the index to find matches to a search and rank them in order of what it believes is most relevant.

Search Engine Optimizaion(SEO)

 SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. There are two types of search engine optimization techniques.
On page optimization techniques
On-page optimisation techniques is a set of techniques which can be done on the pages of a website to maximise its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content.
Off page optimization
Off-page optimisation techniques is a set of techniques which can be done off the pages of a website to maximise its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the on-page content and keywords in off-page direct-links.

What is Search Engine Ranking

Search engine ranking refers to where a website or page appears in the SERP (search engine results page)

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Social Bookmarking

Advantages Of Social Bookmarking:

  1. Social Bookmarking websites drive qualified traffic and would also increase your link popularity, because search engines “index” the pages within these sites, and will see the links to your website.
  2. Social Bookmarking helps in quick indexing by the search engines.
  3. The best way to drive instant traffic to your website. This is the only method which helps to boost the traffic of the website, making it easier to spread your online business’ Web content.

Sites I would recommend:

  1. Delicious
  2. Digg
  3. StumbleUpon
  4. Yahoo Buzz
  5. Technorati
  6. Kaboodle
  7. Mixx
  8. Propeller
  9. Reddit
  10. Newsvine

Instant SEO Analysis Tips

Basic SEO Factors for Instant Analysis:

  • Domain Extension
  • Page Loading Time
  • Page Rank
  • Alexa Rank
  • Google, Bing & Yahoo Indexed Pages and Back Links
  • Domain Age
  • Canonical Redirection
  • Title & Meta Tags
  • Header Tags
  • Image Tags
  • Xml sitemap
  • Html sitemap
  • Robots.txt
  • Google analytics account
  • Google webmaster tools account

Friday, 20 May 2011

What is The Image Optimization in SEO?

Image optimization is on-page part of SEO. As probably every SEO specialist knows that proper image optimization can improve Google position. Image optimization is one of the basic guidelines in web design. By using image slicing and reduction, you can make your image size smaller, so that images load easily on the browser without taking much time. A right use of width and height technique for your images will result in faster page loading.
The 3 most important image optimization factors are Image name / File name, Title attribute, and Alt attribute.
Image Name:
There is no software in this world, who can specify an image. If you put the image of cat on your web page, a search engine is not able to determine that this image is about cat or dog. Search engine checks the relevancy of a page on words. So, the first important point is that you should name your image with words that describe it properly. For example, “SEO Company India.jpg”
Image alt attribute is another important factor in SEO but remember that you should not over use it. Some people try to put many small images, and they put keywords in alt attributes. It is a bad practice. Google may penalize your site for it. So use it in the situation where it is needed. If you see previous example “SEO Company India.jpg”, a good alt attribute for it may be “Internet Marketing Company” or “Seo Services India”. Alt attribute is use to explain what is on the image.

Alt attribute:

Image alt attribute is another important factor in SEO but remember that you should not over use it. Some people try to put many small images, and they put keywords in alt attributes. It is a bad practice. Google may penalize your site for it. So use it in the situation where it is needed. If you see previous example “SEO Company India.jpg”, a good alt attribute for it may be “Internet Marketing Company” or “Seo Services India”. Alt attribute is use to explain what is on the image.

Title Attribute:

You can use title attribute to put some descriptive text. For an example, it should be look something like: “Seo Services India gives quality service at cheap price”. Title attribute in SEO is not so much important as discussed earlier two attributes.

Image size:
To format your page according to your web page, you should use width and height into your HTML code. It may increase your page loading time a little bit because the browser know in advance, where is to put image in the page. Firstly, it will load all the text, and then it will load the image. If you do not specify an image with height and width attribute, the browser, first, loads your image, after that, it will load other parts of page.